What to Expect

When you attend Lighthouse Baptist Church you can expect the following things. First, you can expect a friendly greeting from one of your greeters, members, and attendees. Secondly, you can expect God’s name to be praised and glorified through the singing of hymns and the reading of God’s Word. Thirdly, you can expect our SS classes, AM worship services and PM/Midweek Bible studies to be taught from God’s Word expositionally. Expositional preaching and teaching are simply preaching and teaching God’s Word the way it is designed to be preached and taught. Our nurseries are clean and well-staffed and all of our children and youth workers are carefully screened
Our Service Times:
Sunday School and Adult Fellowship Groups: 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 AM
Wednesday Night Bible Studies: 7:00 PM
Our Current Sunday School classes and Adult Bible Fellowship groups:
Nursery #1: Birth to 2 years of age
Nursery #2-3 to 4 years of age
Grace Kids-K-5 to 4th Grade
Christians in Action-5th to 8th Grade
Teen Analysis-9th-12th Grade
Women of the Word-Taught by Sonja Autry
Berean Sunday School Class-Taught by Pastor Dwayne Smith and Elder Rob Gable